AUD to COP Currency Converter

The AUD to COP exchange rate changes all the time. Use this free tool to convert AUD to COP at the live exchange rate today.

Latest Rate


Australian Dollars (AUD)

So is this a good rate?


Today's rate is higher than the average rate to buy COP. This chart compares today's rate to the average rate from the past 90 days.


Wholesale exchange rate updated

AUD to COP Chart

Please understand that the rates displayed on the graph are historical. They are NOT the exchange rates that S Money is offering today. The rates displayed are the “interbank” or “wholesale” exchange rates that you can find on Google or XE. We show these rates so you can see when the best time to buy Colombian pesos was.

About the AUD to COP exchange rate

It's easy to see the AUD to COP exchange rate on XE, Yahoo or any other currency converter. It's the real exchange rate set by the foreign exchange market. It's also sometimes called the 'wholesale' rate or the 'interbank' rate because it's used for wholesale amounts between banks. It's the best rate to convert foreign currency but often, it's very hard to actually get.


Where is the best place to exchange AUD to COP?

It's simple to buy Colombian pesos in Australia online but it may not necessarily be as fast as walking into a money changer. Services like Australia Post also offer a foreign exchange service online but it takes between two and five business days before the currency is ready for pick-up or delivery so you need to be organised!

Alternatively, buying your currency in the Colombia can be a good option but it all depends on where you go. The money changers in the centre of the main cities tend to be more competitive than smaller stores in towns.

Only change money at the airport as a last resort. The exchange rates and fees at Australian airports are among the worst in the world so avoid it at all costs if you want to get the best bang for your buck.

Learn more: The Best Places to exchange AUD for COP in Australia


How can I convert AUD to COP at the best rate?

The key to finding the best foreign currency rate is to compare your options. Make sure that you compare not just the exchange rate, but the total cost of your currency including any service or delivery fees.

Learn more: Get the best AUD to COP exchange rate

What is the best time to exchange AUD to COP?

As a rule of thumb, if you are buying COP with Australian dollars, you want the AUD/COP exchange rate to be as high as possible. The higher the rate, the better it is for you. It means that you will receive more Colombian pesos for the same amount of Australian dollars.

Unfortunately there isn't a particular day of the week or time of the day that is the best time.

While it's impossible to pick the perfect time, you can set up a free rate tracker to keep an eye on the rate.

Also keep in mind that if you buy it online, it may take 2-4 business days to arrive so make sure you finalise your financial transaction at least a week before you are due to travel overseas.

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