A travel money card is more secure than cash because you need your pin to authorise transactions, if you lose cash you are unlikely to have it returned. If your travel money card is stolen, then you can report it lost or stolen online quickly. It is also less bulky to carry 2 or 3 cards than lots of cash.
HSBC and Citibank have the best travel money cards for Singapore. Both have lots of ATMs within Singapore, both offer fantastic exchange rates for the Singapore dollar and both offer ‘no international transaction fees’.
Yes, you should bring cash to Singapore and buy Singapore dollars before you travel to Singapore. It is one of the best ways to take money to Singapore. Having Singapore dollars on hand when you arrive at the airport will make your life a lot easier. The airport is also the most expensive place to exchange currency, so you will save a lot of money as well. Even though Singapore is card friendly, having cash on hand will always be handy for small purchases, tipping and paying for transport.
The best travel card for Singapore is the Wise Multi Currency card for tap or swipe large transactions like accommodation and restaurants. Wise offers the best exchange rate for Singapore dollars globally and charges no international transaction fees. HSBC Global and Citibank Plus cards are the best for ATM withdrawals and great exchange rates for Singapore dollars. Both these cards charge no international transaction fee and can be used within Australia without penalties. The best credit cards for Singapore are the BankWest Platinum Breeze and ING One Low Rate as they have the lowest interest rates on the market with […]
No you can not use Australian dollars or US dollars in India. The currency used in India is Indian rupee. It is recognised in shops with the letters ₹ before the numerals, for example ₹50. There are 6 banknotes each with a different colour.
Yes you can use a Visa debit card in India wherever the Visa logo is shown. Be aware not all ATMs accept international cards, so you need to look for the Visa logo. In tourist areas Visa is readily accepted however in rural areas, Visa is less accepted and you are advised to take Indian rupee with you.