If you need to exchange currency in Melbourne right now, you'll have to wait at least 6 weeks. Every money exchange store in Melbourne was forced to close their doors under stage 4 business restrictions from today.
Under these new restrictions, financial and insurance services will be closed with the exception of bank branches and critical banking services. This also includes currency exchange outlets at the airports.
When will you be able to exchange currency again?
The Victorian government has indicated that stage four restrictions are expected to be in place for 6 weeks. That would mean that businesses remained closed until at least Monday the 14th of September. This is subject to change though. Similar to the stage 3 restrictions, if case numbers rise or stay high, the stage four restrictions may be extended. Likewise, if the numbers fall significantly and more than expected, restrictions could ease earlier.
What can you do in the mean time?
It may be frustrating, not being able to exchange currency under the new restrictions, but here are some tips:
- Track the exchange rate using our free exchange rate tracker
- Do your research and find the best place to buy currency in Melbourne so you know where to go once stores open up
- Consider using an online currency exchange once the restrictions ease