Up Bank

Up Bank International Fees

Are you tired of getting slogged with sneaky bank fees? Have you returned from a holiday and opened your card statement only to be shocked by countless fees you weren’t expecting? This is a far too frequent occurrence, especially when travelling overseas or even shopping online. We’ve looked closely at Up Bank, one example of the new breed of banks, neobanks. Neobanks are digital-only banking platforms that use technology to give customers convenience and savings.

Card Fees

ING International Transaction Fees

You may have just returned from a fantastic holiday only to be ‘slapped in the face’ when opening your ING card statement. What are all these extra fees? Or you already know how expensive these sneaky bank fees can be, so you’re doing your research to get ahead of the game. Either way, we’ll take you by the hand and help you understand ING international transaction fees and what you can do to save your hard-earned cash.